We let nature and landscape inspire us to create places that are catalysts for change. By combining historical, cultural and natural layers in our landscape designs we provide a basis for a rooted, inspiring daily life, embedded in sustainable structures. We work together with leading regions to include nature-based solutions in their development plans, finding new ways to embrace nature and changing environments in culturally rooted, vibrant communities and societies.
Landscape-based approach for every scale
The scale and scope of population growth and urbanisation of our planet inextricably requires designing from a landscape-based approach on both the small and large scale. By thoroughly integrating geomorphology, soil, water, ecology and natural systems into designs and masterplans for new (urban) areas, we already set out from a smart, sustainable and resilient foundation. Furthermore, our landscape-based approach provides the basis for plans anchored in the social, cultural, and economic flows of landscape and city.
Revealing cultural landscape and heritage
The highly cultivated landscape of the Netherlands can make one acutely aware that our surroundings are made up of interventions from the past; some invisible, some inescapable; some iconic, some unrecognised. We love to (re)discover what unexpected treasures, sites and surroundings have to offer and strive to create meaningful relationships between past, present and future. In our work we don’t just uncover historical layers, we connect them meaningfully with solutions for present challenges.
Gedekte Gemeenschapsweg
Generating landscapes
We believe in the power of the landscape as a carrier for identity and provider of ecosystem services, even in areas where the original landscape has been erased. We work with clients worldwide to design the conditions within which new landscapes can emerge and develop naturally over time in order to provide sustainable environments for a growing world population.
Nature as a catalyst for change
Our way of combining landscape-based urbanism, working with nature and immersion in local culture and history leads to the discovery of new meaningful ways of spatially organising resilient, future-proof developments. Inspired by unexpected combinations of what is often already there, our designs are rooted, recognisable, enjoyable and made for new ways of connecting with our surroundings.